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Charitable work IS work relate to goodness and bénévole ce to others ans dose not dépend on any financial profil.first fo all,it Is of great importance and has a positive impact on allait individuels .firthermore,it incrrases the spread of coopération and incrrases the individual's sensé of responsibility towards other finally,most importantly :it spread love ,happiness and spirit of solidarity.ther are many association that contribute to this,such as the algerian red créent society and thé red cross ,as well as people who help thé pour and other needy people.we wish thème success in their work

Original text

Charitable work IS work relate to goodness and bénévole ce to others ans dose not dépend on any financial profil.first fo all,it Is of great importance and has a positive impact on allait individuels .firthermore,it incrrases the spread of coopération and incrrases the individual's sensé of responsibility towards other finally,most importantly :it spread love ,happiness and spirit of solidarity.ther are many association that contribute to this,such as the algerian red créent society and thé red cross ,as well as people who help thé pour and other needy people.we wish thème success in their work

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