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Although beacons are regularly broadcast by an AP, the probe, authentication, and association frames
are generally used only during the association and re-association process.In a CUWN network, the APs
advertise their presence in the network by sending out Beacon frames, which includes the SSID and
BSSID information.

Original text

Although beacons are regularly broadcast by an AP, the probe, authentication, and association frames
are generally used only during the association and re-association process. In a CUWN network, the APs
advertise their presence in the network by sending out Beacon frames, which includes the SSID and
BSSID information. The Beacon frame also contains information about the supported rates, parameter
sets that indicate channel number, security requirements (WEP or WPA, etc.), and optionally Traffic
Indication Map (TIM) that APs can send periodically to poll stations that use power save mode but have
data frames waiting for them at the Access Point. Typically APs transmit beacon frames every 100ms.

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