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?.?.????Valvuloplasty, : is the surgical repair of a heart valve
?Plasma: is 91% water, the remaining 9% consist mainly of plasma proteins which includes;

-albumin ( al-BYOU-min) -globulin (GLOB-you-lin) -fibrinogen (fie-BRIN-oh-jen)
-prothrombin: (pro-THROMB-bin) ( the combining form THROMB/O means clot).* Myocardial infarction; (my-oh-KAR-dee-al in-FARK- shun) also called (heart attack or acute myocardial infarction) is an occlusion (closing off) a coronary artery resulting in a necrotic (dead) area of myocardium.*Fibrillation (fih-brih-LAY-SHUN): is a rapid, random and
ineffective contraction of the heart, (the combining form FIBRILL/O means muscular)
*Bradycardia : is an abnormally slow heartbeat.Pericardium, the heart is enclosed in a double walled membrane sac known as pericardium (per-KAR-dee-um) pericardial fluid between layers prevents friction when the heart beats.Heart champers; the heart is divided into left &right side ,also each subdivided so forming four chambers,
- Atria (AY-tree-ah), the upper chamber of the heart, are receiving chambers, the atria (Singular, atrium) are separated by the interatrial septum.Plasma (PLAZ-mah) : is a staw- colored fluid that transports nutrients, hormones, & waste products.Pathology of cardiovascular system **Heart:
* Congestive heart failure; CHF, is a condition in which there is abnormal fluid retention so the heart is unable to adequately maintain circulation.-ventricles (VEN-trih-kuhls) , are the lower chambers of the heart & the pumping champers, separated by the interventricular septum.- Through the tricuspid valve, then right ventricle pumps the
blood through the pulmonary semilunar valve& into
pulmonary artery, which carries it to the lung.-tricuspid valve
- Pulmonary semilunar valve (sem-ee-LOO-nar).Pulmonary and systematic circulation;
# Pulmonary circulation, : includes the flow of blood through the right ventricle, pulmonary arterial system, lungs, pulmonary venous system, & left atrium of the heart.-The Blood;
Most of the blood is composed of liquid plasma & formed elements (the combining forms HEM/ O and HEMAT/O both mean blood or relating to blood.Heart, : is a hollow muscular organ that making the power to maintain the circulation of the blood, it acts as compound pump placed between and connecting pulmonary circulation& systemic.Epicardium (heart walls); it is the external layer of the heart & is also a part of the pericardial sac (the prefix EPI - MEANS upper).Myocardium (my-oh-KAR-dee-um), is the muscular middle layer,
it is the thickest of the three layers.Blood flow, the right atrium receives blood from all tissue except the lung, through the inferior & superior vena cava.-
- Left ventricle: receives blood from left atrium & travels to the aorta, is pumped to all parts of the body except the lung.Heart beat; the neuromuscular tissue of the heart comprises the :
- Sinoatrial (S-A) node
- Atrioventricular (A-V) node - Bundle of His.-Diastolic pressure, (dye-ah-STOL-ick) is the lowest pressure when the ventricles are relaxed.*Ischemic heart disease: (iss-KEE-MICK-mick), is a pathologic condition of the myocardium caused by a lack of oxygen reaching the an inflammation of the inner layer of the

*Mitral valve stenosis,: is an obstructive lesion in the mitral valve of the heart.Atherosclerosis: is hardening & narrowing of the arteries due to buildup of cholesterol plaques.Phlebitis,: also known as thrombophlebitis, is the
inflammation of a vein often accompanied by the formation of a clot.Septicemia (sep-tih-SEE-me-ah) also known as blood poisoning, is the presence of pathogenic microorganism or toxins in the blood.Hyperlipidemia, : is a general term for elevated concentration of any or all lipids in the plasma ( the combing form LIP/O means fat.)
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Original text

ا.د.صباح عباس احمد /المرحلة الاولى / مصطلحات طبية
Cardiovascular system
Structure of cardiovascular system;
 Heart, : is a hollow muscular organ that making the power to maintain the circulation of the blood, it acts as compound pump placed between and connecting pulmonary circulation& systemic.

Protected by the thoracic cavity, its located between the lungs &
above the diaphragm the combining form CARDI/O means heart.
 Pericardium, the heart is enclosed in a double walled membrane sac known as pericardium (per-KAR-dee-um) pericardial fluid between layers prevents friction when the heart beats.
 Epicardium (heart walls); it is the external layer of the heart & is also a part of the pericardial sac (the prefix EPI – MEANS upper).
 Myocardium (my-oh-KAR-dee-um), is the muscular middle layer,
it is the thickest of the three layers.
 Endocardium; is the inner layer that is lined with endothelium
and forms the inner surface of the heart.

Heart champers; the heart is divided into left &right side ,also each subdivided so forming four chambers,

  • Atria (AY-tree-ah), the upper chamber of the heart, are receiving chambers, the atria (Singular, atrium) are separated by the interatrial septum.
    -ventricles (VEN-trih-kuhls) , are the lower chambers of the heart & the pumping champers, separated by the interventricular septum.

  • heart apex, is the narrow tip of the heart.
     Heart valves; the heart valves control flow of the blood through the heart.
    -tricuspid valve

  • Pulmonary semilunar valve (sem-ee-LOO-nar).
    -mitral valve (or, bicuspid valve) -aortic semilunar valve.
     Blood flow, the right atrium receives blood from all tissue except the lung, through the inferior & superior vena cava.

  • Through the tricuspid valve, then right ventricle pumps the
    blood through the pulmonary semilunar valve& into
    pulmonary artery, which carries it to the lung. -

  • Left ventricle: receives blood from left atrium & travels to the aorta, is pumped to all parts of the body except the lung.
    Heart beat; the neuromuscular tissue of the heart comprises the :

  • Sinoatrial (S-A) node

  • Atrioventricular (A-V) node - Bundle of His.
    Heart sound, : when a stethoscope is used to listen to the heartbeat , two sounds may be heard;
    -the lubb sound, heard first.
    -the dub sound, heard second, which is shorter& higher pitched.

Pulmonary and systematic circulation;

Pulmonary circulation, : includes the flow of blood through the right ventricle, pulmonary arterial system, lungs, pulmonary venous system, & left atrium of the heart.

#systemic circulation : includes blood flow to all parts of the body except the lungs.

Blood vessels, there are three types of blood vessels in the body; Arteries, veins, & capillaries.

Pulse& Blood pressure;

Pulse; is the rhythmic expansion & contraction of an artery
produced by the pressure of the blood moving through the artery.
Blood pressure; is a measurement of the amount of pressure exerted against the wall of the vessels.
-Systolic pressure, (sis-TOL-ick) is the highest pressure when the ventricles contract.
-Diastolic pressure, (dye-ah-STOL-ick) is the lowest pressure when the ventricles are relaxed.
-The Blood;
Most of the blood is composed of liquid plasma & formed elements (the combining forms HEM/ O and HEMAT/O both mean blood or relating to blood.
 Four elements, it includes the red blood cells, white blood cells, & platelets.
 Plasma (PLAZ-mah) : is a staw- colored fluid that transports nutrients, hormones, & waste products.
Plasma: is 91% water, the remaining 9% consist mainly of plasma proteins which includes;

-albumin ( al-BYOU-min) -globulin (GLOB-you-lin) -fibrinogen (fie-BRIN-oh-jen)
-prothrombin: (pro-THROMB-bin) ( the combining form THROMB/O means clot).
Blood Gases; is a gas that dissolved in the liquid part of the blood, it includes, oxygen, carbon dioxide, & nitrogen.
Pathology of cardiovascular system **Heart:

  • Congestive heart failure; CHF, is a condition in which there is abnormal fluid retention so the heart is unable to adequately maintain circulation.

  • Myocardial infarction; (my-oh-KAR-dee-al in-FARK- shun) also called (heart attack or acute myocardial infarction) is an occlusion (closing off) a coronary artery resulting in a necrotic (dead) area of myocardium.

  • Angina; (an-JIGH-nah) is spasmodic choking or suffocating pain.

  • Angina pectoris, which is due to interference with blood supply of oxygen to the heart muscle.
    *Ischemic heart disease: (iss-KEE-MICK-mick), is a pathologic condition of the myocardium caused by a lack of oxygen reaching the tissue.
    * Pericarditis,:
    *Myocarditis : * Endocarditis: heart.
    is an inflammation of the pericardium.
    is an inflammation of the myocardium.
    .is an inflammation of the inner layer of the

*Mitral valve stenosis,: is an obstructive lesion in the mitral valve of the heart.

  • Cardiac arrhythmia, : (ah-RITH-me-ah) or(dysrhythmia) : is any abnormal heart rhythm.
    *palpitation: (pal-pih-TAY-shun) : is a pounding heart rate. *Fibrillation (fih-brih-LAY-SHUN): is a rapid, random and
    ineffective contraction of the heart, (the combining form FIBRILL/O means muscular)
    *Bradycardia : is an abnormally slow heartbeat.
    *Tachycardia : is an abnormally fast or rapid heartbeat. -Blood Vessels;
     Arteriosclerosis : is hardening of the arteries, which reduces the flow of blood through these vessels.
     Atherosclerosis: is hardening & narrowing of the arteries due to buildup of cholesterol plaques.
     Angiostenosis : is the narrowing of a blood vessel.
     Varicose veins : are abnormally swollen veins usually
    occurring in the legs.
     Thrombotic occlusion : is the blocking of an artery by clot.
     Phlebitis,: also known as thrombophlebitis, is the
    inflammation of a vein often accompanied by the formation of a clot.
     Hemorrhage,(HEM-or-idj), means the loss of a large amount of blood in a short time.
     Hematemesis, means vomiting blood (the suffix EMESIS means vomiting)
     Septicemia (sep-tih-SEE-me-ah) also known as blood poisoning, is the presence of pathogenic microorganism or toxins in the blood.

 Erythrocytosis : is an increase in the number of erythrocytes in proportion to the number of the other blood cells.
 Thrombocytopenia: is an abnormal decrease in the number of platelets.
 Leukemia: is a malignant neoplasm of the blood – forming tissue.
 Hyperlipidemia, : is a general term for elevated concentration of any or all lipids in the plasma ( the combing form LIP/O means fat.)
 Anemia, : is a disorder characterized by lower of normal red blood cells ( the prefix AN- means without or less than, & the suffix EMIA-means blood ).
 Aplastic anemia : is marked by an absence of all formed blood elements as a result of failure production by bone marrow.
 Hemolytic anemia: is due to less mature erythrocyte survival.
 Thalassemia : is a short lived RBC.
 Iron deficiency anemia, : is an inadequate supply of iron
to the body.
 Pernicious anemia, : which is body failure to absorb
vitamin B12.
 Sickle cell anemia, : it is a defect of hemoglobin synthesis
that makes RBC, to be as sickle cell.

Hypertension. : It is elevated blood pressure of unknown origin (essential hypertension).

Procedures of cardiovascular system;
 Hemostasis : is to control bleeding.

 Coronary bypass surgery : is a surgical procedure used to remove the blood supply to heart muscle when narrowed coronary arteries reduce blood flow.
 Valvuloplasty, : is the surgical repair of a heart valve
 A transfusion : is an introduction of a whole blood or blood
components from a donor to a blood stream of recipient.

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