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Given the shortage of energy production and the rapidly increasing energy consumption, there is a need to reduce and conserve energy in every possible way .The overall performance of the absorption cycle in terms of cooling effect per unit of energy input is generally poor, however, wasted heat such as that of rejected energy can be used to achieve the best overall energy use .However, the water / lithium bromide system (H20 / LiBr) is also widely used where average temperatures are required (such as air conditioning), and the latter system is more efficient than the previous system [4-6] .However, harmless and harmless energy sources from solar, biomass, or geothermal sources in ARS are negligible in many cases..

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Given the shortage of energy production and the rapidly increasing energy consumption, there is a need to reduce and conserve energy in every possible way .The overall performance of the absorption cycle in terms of cooling effect per unit of energy input is generally poor, however, wasted heat such as that of rejected energy can be used to achieve the best overall energy use .However, the water / lithium bromide system (H20 / LiBr) is also widely used where average temperatures are required (such as air conditioning), and the latter system is more efficient than the previous system [4-6] .However, harmless and harmless energy sources from solar, biomass, or geothermal sources in ARS are negligible in many cases..

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