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The extent of groundwater pollution is determined by several factors: The number, intensity, or strength of NPS contamination activities within a well or spring's source area.Many low-grade NPS pollution sources could have an effect equivalent to a few more severe NPS pollution sources when added together (Harter, 2003).The pace at which water percolates from the surface to the earth.

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The extent of groundwater pollution is determined by several factors: The number, intensity, or strength of NPS contamination activities within a well or spring's source area. Many low-grade NPS pollution sources could have an effect equivalent to a few more severe NPS pollution sources when added together (Harter, 2003). The pace at which water percolates from the surface to the earth. When the water percolation rate is high, a substantial number of pollutants or diseases may enter the groundwater. Before it reaches a well, spring, stream, or lake, the soil or aquifer's ability to store or breakdown the chemical. The less probable a chemical is to reach a nearby well or stream, the more it is degraded or maintained in the subsurface.

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