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Stimuli are signals from the outside (like sounds or sights) or inside (like hunger or pain) that make an organism react.Classical conditioning is the type of learning where a neutral thing gets linked to something important, making a reaction happen.

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Stimuli are signals from the outside (like sounds or sights) or inside (like hunger or pain) that make an organism react. Reinforcement is the way of giving a good stimulus (positive) or taking away an unpleasant one (negative) to make a behavior more likely to happen again. A conditioned stimulus (CS) is a neutral thing at first but turns into a learned response after being paired many times with an unconditioned stimulus. Punishment is when you give an unpleasant thing (positive) or take away a good thing (negative) to make a behavior less likely. Classical conditioning is the type of learning where a neutral thing gets linked to something important, making a reaction happen.

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