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The Web was invented by English computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee while working at CERN He was motivated by the problem
of storing, updating, and finding documents and data files in that large and constantly changing organization, as well as
distributing them to collaborators outside CERN.In his design, Berners-Lee dismissed the common tree structure
approach, used for instance in the existing CERNDOC documentation system and in the Unix filesystem, as well as
approaches that relied in tagging files with keywords, as in the VAX/NOTES system.Instead he adopted concepts he had
put into practice with his private ENQUIRE system (1980) built at CERN.

Original text

The Web was invented by English computer scientist Tim Berners-Lee while working at CERN He was motivated by the problem
of storing, updating, and finding documents and data files in that large and constantly changing organization, as well as
distributing them to collaborators outside CERN. In his design, Berners-Lee dismissed the common tree structure
approach, used for instance in the existing CERNDOC documentation system and in the Unix filesystem, as well as
approaches that relied in tagging files with keywords, as in the VAX/NOTES system. Instead he adopted concepts he had
put into practice with his private ENQUIRE system (1980) built at CERN. When he became aware of Ted Nelson's hypertext
model (1950), in which documents can be linked in unconstrained ways through hyperlinks associated with "hot spots"
embedded in the text, it helped to confirm the validity of his concept CERN made the Web protocol and code available
royalty free in 1993, enabling its widespread use. After the NCSA released the Mosaic web browser later that year, the
Web's popularity grew rapidly as thousands of websites sprang up Mosaic was a graphical browser that in less than a year
could display inline images and submit forms that were processed by the HTTPd server.[ Marc Andreessen and Jim Clark
founded Netscape the following year and released the Navigator browser, which introduced Java and JavaScript to the
Web. It quickly became the dominant browser. Netscape became a public company in 1995 which triggered a frenzy for
the Web and started the dot-com bubble.[ Microsoft responded by developing its own browser, Internet Explorer, starting

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