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When it comes to presenting a project, stress can be an incredibly draining feeling.However, through adaptation, maintaining a sportsmanlike attitude, and enhancing our skills, we can overcome stress and deliver successful and engaging presentations.Suddenly, the screen froze, and I couldn't display the carefully prepared PowerPoint slides.Watching my colleagues observing me, and knowing that my presentation would be evaluated, added pressure to my mental burden.I have experienced this feeling myself on several occasions, which forced me to think about its impact and how to deal with it.
In the last time I presented a project, I felt the tension creeping into every cell of my body.It is a natural feeling that can affect our performance.

Original text

When it comes to presenting a project, stress can be an incredibly draining feeling. I have experienced this feeling myself on several occasions, which forced me to think about its impact and how to deal with it.
In the last time I presented a project, I felt the tension creeping into every cell of my body. Watching my colleagues observing me, and knowing that my presentation would be evaluated, added pressure to my mental burden. What made things even more complicated was an unexpected technical issue. Suddenly, the screen froze, and I couldn't display the carefully prepared PowerPoint slides. The tension started to escalate, and I felt bewildered and disturbed.
In summary, stress during project presentations is not a strange phenomenon. It is a natural feeling that can affect our performance. However, through adaptation, maintaining a sportsmanlike attitude, and enhancing our skills, we can overcome stress and deliver successful and engaging presentations.

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