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The marketing environment plays a crucial role in determining the success of Cartier's products and services. The company is affected by many micro and macro factors in its marketing environment.

In part, it includes regulatory factors such as laws and regulations that may affect the production and distribution of Cartier products. For example, a company may face challenges regarding intellectual property rights and illegal counterfeiting of its products.

Economically, economic factors such as inflation, interest rates and employment affect the purchasing power of customers and thus the demand for Cartier products. Variation in exchange rates may also affect a company's performance in global markets.

Socially and culturally, Cartier tries to keep up with consumer trends and preferences. Cultural factors such as values, beliefs and social trends are considered in markets

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The marketing environment plays a crucial role in determining the success of Cartier's products and services. The company is affected by many micro and macro factors in its marketing environment.

In part, it includes regulatory factors such as laws and regulations that may affect the production and distribution of Cartier products. For example, a company may face challenges regarding intellectual property rights and illegal counterfeiting of its products.

Economically, economic factors such as inflation, interest rates and employment affect the purchasing power of customers and thus the demand for Cartier products. Variation in exchange rates may also affect a company's performance in global markets.

Socially and culturally, Cartier tries to keep up with consumer trends and preferences. Cultural factors such as values, beliefs and social trends are considered in markets

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