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Arab EFL teachers are reminded to remind their students of such words.IN class, therefore, , Arab EFL instructors are encouraged to expose their learners to authentic L2 materials with highlighted loanwords, and train them to contextually deduce the meaning of these words and make correct links with the corresponding Arabic words.At home, Arab EFL learners need to be exposed to easy and pleasurable extensive reading materials which are full of frequently used loanwords.

Original text

Arab EFL teachers are reminded to remind their students of such words. A big number of Arabic loanwords in English can be compiled by school teachers and presented to students as additional or complementary teaching materials. IN class, therefore, , Arab EFL instructors are encouraged to expose their learners to authentic L2 materials with highlighted loanwords, and train them to contextually deduce the meaning of these words and make correct links with the corresponding Arabic words. At home, Arab EFL learners need to be exposed to easy and pleasurable extensive reading materials which are full of frequently used loanwords. Finally, it is important to have learners keep vocabulary logs of all Arabic loanwords as part of their learning journals.However, what is more important than all this is"telling" these learners that these words are from Arabic origin and that they may still keep their phonological,semantic or syntactic forms.

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