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Being creative while communicating during a crisis is as critical as understanding the many stakeholders affected by the crisis.Continuous relationship building with government and regulatory bodies, issue management and environmental scanning, and dedicated tracking and study of laws and regulations are needed.Crisis communication needs to be grounded and realistic, especially when the variables affecting the situation are beyond our control, such as regulations and court decisions.The judgment (much like the clinical eye for physicians) on whether to respond to negative stories--whether it would clear the issue and put the company in a position of strength or whether it would start an unproductive word war--is a discernment that comes over time.The balance has to be achieved, the company stance must be communicated, and the stakeholder support must be maintained.Strong ties and constant dialogue with regulatory bodies are activities to be nurtured.A history of compliance with regulations is the best way to nurture this relationship and prove the company's professionalism and responsibility as a business and good corporate citizen.

Original text

Being creative while communicating during a crisis is as critical as understanding the many stakeholders affected by the crisis. Crisis communication needs to be grounded and realistic, especially when the variables affecting the situation are beyond our control, such as regulations and court decisions. Sometimes it can be a long and bitter struggle.
The judgment (much like the clinical eye for physicians) on whether to respond to negative stories—whether it would clear the issue and put the company in a position of strength or whether it would start an unproductive word war—is a discernment that comes over time.
Public utilities operate in a highly regulated environment. Staying viable and fulfilling social responsibilities is a balance that must be met. Without viability, there would be no resources for social responsibility. But not having social responsibility would affect viability. The balance has to be achieved, the company stance must be communicated, and the stakeholder support must be maintained. Continuous relationship building with government and regulatory bodies, issue management and environmental scanning, and dedicated tracking and study of laws and regulations are needed. Strong ties and constant dialogue with regulatory bodies are activities to be nurtured. A history of compliance with regulations is the best way to nurture this relationship and prove the company’s professionalism and responsibility as a business and good corporate citizen. In a public service industry, balancing consumer advocacies and company
viability is always a challenge to the regulators and to the company as well. Prevention, as much as can be done, is the goal, so as not to reach crisis level. And when a crisis happens, the gamut of crisis communication activities then begins,
aiming for a quick resolution

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