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expelled from the land, they had to look for other ways of making a living.Nobility making use of this process was called: gentry Peasants who lost their land poured to the towns and spread in the countryside creating a mass of unemployed workforce (beggars, tramps, thieves, wandering homeless people, about 10,000 in the middle of the century) Poor Laws to stop them.Landlords who invested in textile gave work to those who lost their land: they were given the raw wool, they spinned it and weaved it and gave it back to the landlord, who sold it with a huge profit (kiadatasi es felvasarlasi rendszer) Manufactures: the process of production was divided into individual steps, it was faster, more productive and much cheaper, but the quality was lower: guilds were gradually replaced by them basis of capitalist production Gentry +merchants new middle class represented in the House of Commons

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expelled from the land, they had to look for other ways of making a living. Nobility making use of this process was called: gentry Peasants who lost their land poured to the towns and spread in the countryside creating a mass of unemployed workforce (beggars, tramps, thieves, wandering homeless people, about 10,000 in the middle of the century) Poor Laws to stop them. Landlords who invested in textile gave work to those who lost their land: they were given the raw wool, they spinned it and weaved it and gave it back to the landlord, who sold it with a huge profit (kiadatási és felvásárlási rendszer) Manufactures: the process of production was divided into individual steps, it was faster, more productive and much cheaper, but the quality was lower: guilds were gradually replaced by them basis of capitalist production Gentry +merchants new middle class represented in the House of Commons

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