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The use of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) to activate distance
education courses has made it possible to create new ways of training, certainly more
efficiently and potentially more effectively.In fact, a lot of aspects have to
be taken into account to project and activate a good distance course: effective presentation of
contents, consideration of individual differences of users, adoption of several models
according to educational objectives, and so on.
In this paper we propose a pedagogical learning environment which and which makes
students more interactive in learning process.Internet, and in particular the World Wide Web, is
becoming a learning space which is used increasingly in several educational contexts from
secondary schools to post graduate courses.

Original text

The use of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) to activate distance
education courses has made it possible to create new ways of training, certainly more
efficiently and potentially more effectively. Internet, and in particular the World Wide Web, is
becoming a learning space which is used increasingly in several educational contexts from
secondary schools to post graduate courses. Learners can choose to take training modules
and, in some cases, entire programs through the Net; the on line environment may be the only
possibility to acquire knowledge on some topics for learners who do not have the opportunity
to attend traditional classes; besides the communicative power of Internet tools can allow the
activation of new ways of teaching/learning. As the number of on line learners is increasing,
it is crucial for training centers and institutions to create effective on-line learning
environments according to the specific needs of each learner. In fact, a lot of aspects have to
be taken into account to project and activate a good distance course: effective presentation of
contents, consideration of individual differences of users, adoption of several models
according to educational objectives, and so on.
In this paper we propose a pedagogical learning environment which and which makes
students more interactive in learning process. Our system lets students collaborate among
them in order to construct their knowledge as much as possible and to find solutions of many
problems that occur during learning.

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