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As time goes by, and as modern technology continues to evolve and develop,
teachers and learners need to change as well to stay relevant.There
are also educational videos and other online learning resources that can elicit
active participation among learners.Learning,
today, emphasizes on critical thinking, collaborating, communication and
practical skills which can be achieved by technologically enhanced education
system and exposure to the real world of learning.It focuses not only in
increasing knowledge retention but also in converting these into actual skills
essential to survive and eventually succeed.It provides learners with endless opportunities to develop holistically.Teachers have learned to adapt to a technology-based
mode of teaching and use advanced forms of learning which help them in
facilitating lessons and in promoting student engagement.While many of us bow down to the indisputable benefits of technology, there are
also many technophobes who visualize it as a threat to the current education
system and to learners as well.As
modernity continues, technology dramatically advances and everyone tries to
stay in line to survive.Students learn more
when their interest is stimulated and when they are involved in various activities
in the classroom.Teachers use virtual activities that learners get to enjoy.

Original text

As time goes by, and as modern technology continues to evolve and develop,
teachers and learners need to change as well to stay relevant. Teachers have to
completely accept that technology will not replace their role, but will portray a
protagonizing part in their learning. Rather, they must be open that technology, if
will be used well, is another best way to stimulate learning. Besides, it is still the
method of teaching and correct incorporation of technology that is more
important than having technology at hand, alone. Thus, we can say that,
technology also serves as a catalyst of change. It becomes a pattern of progress
that teachers and learners should use as guide as they gather, analyze, present,
and share information. If we want them to succeed, we should not limit them and
should rather be supportive in all aspects of their learning.
With the integration of modern technology into education, it is obvious that it
projects positive and negative impacts to the teaching and learning process. As
modernity continues, technology dramatically advances and everyone tries to
stay in line to survive. Teachers have learned to adapt to a technology-based
mode of teaching and use advanced forms of learning which help them in
facilitating lessons and in promoting student engagement. Students learn more
when their interest is stimulated and when they are involved in various activities
in the classroom. Teachers use virtual activities that learners get to enjoy. There
are also educational videos and other online learning resources that can elicit
active participation among learners.
Also, through technology, teachers and learners get to learn and master the 21st
century skills and soon the ones with the approaching 22nd century. Learning,
today, emphasizes on critical thinking, collaborating, communication and
practical skills which can be achieved by technologically enhanced education
system and exposure to the real world of learning. It focuses not only in
increasing knowledge retention but also in converting these into actual skills
essential to survive and eventually succeed.
Technology also supports individual differences and let students learn at their
own pace. It provides learners with endless opportunities to develop holistically.
Teachers have broad and creative ways to integrate technology in assuring
learning while still responding to their learning needs.
While many of us bow down to the indisputable benefits of technology, there are
also many technophobes who visualize it as a threat to the current education
system and to learners as well. Too much exposure to social media platforms,

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