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3.5 Specimens Preparation Equipments
The equipment required for preparing the specimens of pure PMMA and
SiO2/PMMA composites in sheet-form are glassy molds, glassy containers, and
horizontal leveling platforms will be described in this section.Chapter Three Experimental Work
3.5.2 Glassy Containers
Ten glassy containers with dimensions of 250 mm length, 160 mm width
and 100 mm height were made using 6 mm thickness glass sheets, adhesion
material, and L- shaped aluminum corners of 20 x 20 mm, as shown in figure
(3-11).The platforms are designed with
dimensions that allow one glassy container to be placed on their surface3.5.3 Horizontal leveling platforms
Ten horizontal leveling platforms were made with dimensions of 270 mm
length and 180 mm width using wooden boards with a thickness of 18 mm. Each
platform is provided with four legs adjustable up and down in order to level the
platform horizontally to ensure that one thickness of PMMA samples is
obtained.3.5.1 Glassy Molds
Two sets of glassy molds were made using 6 mm thickness glass sheets,
adhesion material, and L-shaped aluminum corners of 20 x 20 mm. The number
of molds in the first group is 10, which are used to obtain samples with
dimensions of 4 mm thickness, 100 mm width, and 130mm length.The second objective is to provide a space saturated with solvent
steam that prevents the top layer of the sample surface from solidifying for as
long as possible during the evaporation process, which reduces the formation of

Original text

3.5 Specimens Preparation Equipments
The equipment required for preparing the specimens of pure PMMA and
SiO2/PMMA composites in sheet-form are glassy molds, glassy containers, and
horizontal leveling platforms will be described in this section.
3.5.1 Glassy Molds
Two sets of glassy molds were made using 6 mm thickness glass sheets,
adhesion material, and L-shaped aluminum corners of 20 x 20 mm. The number
of molds in the first group is 10, which are used to obtain samples with
dimensions of 4 mm thickness, 100 mm width, and 130mm length. The number
of molds in the second group is also 10, which are used to obtain samples with
dimensions of 4 mm thickness, 130 mm width , and 200 mm length, as shown in
figure (3-10). These molds were used in the preparation method which used for
preparing pure and reinforced PMMA samples.
Chapter Three Experimental Work
3.5.2 Glassy Containers
Ten glassy containers with dimensions of 250 mm length, 160 mm width
and 100 mm height were made using 6 mm thickness glass sheets, adhesion
material, and L- shaped aluminum corners of 20 x 20 mm, as shown in figure
(3-11). These containers were used to cover sample molds prepared . The
containers were designed with dimensions that allow placing either one large
glassy mold or two small glassy molds within a single container. The glassy
containers are used for two objectives, first to protect the samples from dust and
impurities during the solvent evaporation process and the solidification of
samples.. The second objective is to provide a space saturated with solvent
steam that prevents the top layer of the sample surface from solidifying for as
long as possible during the evaporation process, which reduces the formation of
3.5.3 Horizontal leveling platforms
Ten horizontal leveling platforms were made with dimensions of 270 mm
length and 180 mm width using wooden boards with a thickness of 18 mm. Each
platform is provided with four legs adjustable up and down in order to level the
platform horizontally to ensure that one thickness of PMMA samples is
obtained. The surface of the platforms was covered with a layer of chemicalresistant leather, as shown in figure (3-16). The platforms are designed with
dimensions that allow one glassy container to be placed on their surface

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