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Wood is strongest along the alignment parallel to its grain.This can occur when the tree itself has a spiral grain, or due to improper processing of the lumber.This rule was enacted because bats with non-straight grains can fail dangerously (Links to an external site.)Processed boards don't always have a straight grain, however.

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Wood is strongest along the alignment parallel to its grain. Processed boards don’t always have a straight grain, however. This can occur when the tree itself has a spiral grain, or due to improper processing of the lumber. The slope of the grain refers to how straight the grain is, relative to the outside of the board. Ideally, we want the grain to be in a straight line from each end. If it is more slanted, the wood has a higher slope of grain, and will not be as strong. In professional baseball, there are restrictions on the slope of grain of bats, requiring the grain to be almost perfectly straight from the handle to the end. This rule was enacted because bats with non-straight grains can fail dangerously (Links to an external site.)

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