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STEVE: Oh, please.You're never too young to start thinking about your future, and you have to do what you can to get an advantage in the field, especially for future lawyers like me. Plus, Dad always said-- MOM: Steve, I'm in the kitchen, and I shouldn't be able to hear the T.V. so clearly!There's absolutely no reason for it to be that loud, so lower the volume on that television, now!STEVE: Okay, Mom, I will.I want my clothes to show people that I, too, am self-assured and ready to take on any of life's challenges.STEVE: STEVE runs to pull the tie out of washing machine, and it has been bleached.What can I -- LUCAS: You can't do anything because you've ruined it. You just don't understand, and you'll never understand.It was special to you, and I shouldn't have teased you about it. I want you to understand...Oh, you're such a goody two shoes, man.

Original text

STEVE: Oh, please. I want my clothes to show people that I, too, am self-assured and ready to take on any of life's challenges. STEVE: Oh, dude, I might have accidentally put it in the washing machine last night after I picked up my dirty laundry in the living room-- LUCAS: WHAT? STEVE: STEVE runs to pull the tie out of washing machine, and it has been bleached. What can I -- LUCAS: You can't do anything because you've ruined it. You just don't understand, and you'll never understand. LUCAS: I guess, but I'm not really in the mood, so make it short . It was special to you, and I shouldn't have teased you about it. I want you to understand... ...just because I don't talk about Dad that much doesn't mean I don't understand how you feel. Listen-- I miss him, too, okay?Mom says I got Dad's looks, but Lucas, you've always had his sense of style . LUCAS: Wow, thanks, Steve. The older one, STEVE, is watching television, and the younger brother, LUCAS, is rummaging through an old box of clothes. It looks ancient, and I could have sworn I saw moths fly out of that old thing. I'm absolutely positive I told you about this interview weeks ago, but big surprise--you never listen to me . Oh, you're such a goody two shoes, man. You're never too young to start thinking about your future, and you have to do what you can to get an advantage in the field, especially for future lawyers like me. Plus, Dad always said-- MOM: Steve, I'm in the kitchen, and I shouldn't be able to hear the T.V. so clearly!There's absolutely no reason for it to be that loud, so lower the volume on that television, now!STEVE: Okay, Mom, I will. Be nicer to your brother. You should be proud of him, following in your dad's footsteps. LUCAS: This is it!I can't be imagining it!

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