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barcoding systems, patients wear a bracelet that nurses
can then scan and match against barcoded medica-
tions, blood products, and medical devices to confirm
they are administering the right treatments to their
patients.Although not driven by federal incentives to
adopt EHRs, all nine hospitals are benefiting from the
federal meaningful-use incentive program.

Original text

barcoding systems, patients wear a bracelet that nurses
can then scan and match against barcoded medica-
tions, blood products, and medical devices to confirm
they are administering the right treatments to their
Although not driven by federal incentives to
adopt EHRs, all nine hospitals are benefiting from the
federal meaningful-use incentive program. To qualify
for payments in the first year of implementation, hos-
pitals must self-attest to having or being in the process
of acquiring an EHR that meets all 14 core objectives
and five of 10 objectives from the “menu set” list,
delineated in Appendix A. Core EHR features include
the ability to collect and update patient information
that is not consistently provided or documented in all
hospitals, including a complete medication list and a
medication allergy list, smoking status, and demo-
graphic data such as preferred language. Each of the
nine hospitals met meaningful-use criteria and
received EHR incentive payments in 2012, and most
also received them in 2011. In the second year of
Stage 1 funding, hospitals must demonstrate their
capacity to achieve the standards.
By 2014, more challenging Stage 2 standards
will be established. Draft standards reveal the next
stage will likely require that hospitals demonstrate
actual use of many of these same features.7
Commercial EHR systems have the capacity to help
hospitals meet these requirements, though hospitals
will have to design their workflows to keep data cur-
rent and usable by providers and patients.8

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