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Summarize result (50%)

Service quality:

- Systems or procedures quality: Streamlined registration processes, intuitive website navigation, and efficient ticketing systems.- Professional quality: Personalized thank-you messages or acknowledgments for attendee feedback, transparent reporting on post-event outcomes and initiatives, and opportunities for continued engagement with attendees.- Technical quality: Reliable Wi-Fi connectivity, seamless integration of cashless payment systems, and real-time updates through event apps or digital signage.- Technical quality: Efficient data processing for feedback analysis, user-friendly platforms for accessing post-event resources or recordings, and timely communication of post-event updates or follow-up actions.- Customer communication quality: Prompt responses to post-event inquiries or feedback submissions, clear communication about post-event initiatives or improvements, and ongoing updates on upcoming events or related activities.- Technical quality: Reliable online platforms, secure payment gateways, and user-friendly interfaces for booking and information retrieval.

Original text

Service quality:


  • Systems or procedures quality: Streamlined registration processes, intuitive website navigation, and efficient ticketing systems.

  • Technical quality: Reliable online platforms, secure payment gateways, and user-friendly interfaces for booking and information retrieval.

  • Professional quality: Well-trained staff providing accurate information and assistance, prompt responses to inquiries, and clear event guidelines.

  • Customer communication quality: Regular updates via email or social media, personalized messages for registered attendees, and a dedicated customer service team to address queries and concerns promptly.

During the event:

  • Systems or procedures quality: Effective crowd management measures, streamlined entry and exit procedures, and efficient queuing systems for attractions or activities.

  • Technical quality: Reliable Wi-Fi connectivity, seamless integration of cashless payment systems, and real-time updates through event apps or digital signage.

  • Professional quality: Courteous and knowledgeable staff available for assistance, well-organized schedules with minimal disruptions, and timely resolution of any technical issues.

  • Customer communication quality: Clear signage for directions and information, proactive communication about schedule changes or special announcements, and regular feedback collection to address immediate concerns.


  • Systems or procedures quality: Easy-to-use feedback forms or surveys, secure data handling for attendee information, and systematic analysis of feedback to inform future improvements.

  • Technical quality: Efficient data processing for feedback analysis, user-friendly platforms for accessing post-event resources or recordings, and timely communication of post-event updates or follow-up actions.

  • Professional quality: Personalized thank-you messages or acknowledgments for attendee feedback, transparent reporting on post-event outcomes and initiatives, and opportunities for continued engagement with attendees.

  • Customer communication quality: Prompt responses to post-event inquiries or feedback submissions, clear communication about post-event initiatives or improvements, and ongoing updates on upcoming events or related activities.

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