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Summarize result (50%)

Then I went to learn a lot about the banking field, and thanks to God and
my efforts, I work now in the largest Egyptian bank, the National Bank of
Egypt in the customer service centre

Original text

A persistent person who always loves to search for everything new and is
fully prepared to try new jobs and is able in a short time to learn them in a
way that allows me to excel in them ... In my beginning I learned the arts of
marketing, and I learned them in a way that was enough to appoint me with
a team to market a catalogue of the best in Egypt for marketing furniture,
Then I learned the basics of the profession of printing, so I was appointed
after a while in a printing press as a quality supervisor, with an experience
of more than a year.
Then I went to learn a lot about the banking field, and thanks to God and
my efforts, I work now in the largest Egyptian bank, the National Bank of
Egypt in the customer service centre

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