Online English Summarizer tool, free and accurate!
dear sir |He was fluent in both Arabic languages And English.I am 15 years old, a student at Riffa School Western Middle School for Girls and I are looking for full-time employment partial.As stated in my attached CV, I believe I am Suitable for this job.I am confident and reliable And sociable.With Regards Sara AhmedI have two years work experience.
dear sir
| my lady,
Apply for a part-time position as a store assistant.
I am writing to apply for this position that I saw on the website
for you.
I am 15 years old, a student at Riffa School
Western Middle School for Girls and I are looking for full-time employment
partial. I am interested in fashion, and I love design
I have two years work experience. He was fluent in both Arabic languages
And English. I can use the computer and do it
By taking computer courses as well. I am confident and reliable
And sociable. I enjoy meeting new people.
As stated in my attached CV, I believe I am
Suitable for this job. I look forward to hearing from you.
With Regards
Sara Ahmed
Summarize English and Arabic text using the statistical algorithm and sorting sentences based on its importance
You can download the summary result with one of any available formats such as PDF,DOCX and TXT
ٌYou can share the summary link easily, we keep the summary on the website for future reference,except for private summaries.
We are working on adding new features to make summarization more easy and accurate
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