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Definitions of feedback Feedback has several meanings and definitions depending on where they are used, as it is defined in the educational process as a form of correction, guidance and immediate guidance, and it expresses the teacher's interventions that aim to correct the answer from the learner; It is a corrective action based on the principle of clarifying the vision, whether it is for the learner, the teacher, or any person who practices feedback in general.[4] Feedback is the sum of information that can be provided to the recipient or the trainee, even if the means of transmission differ, and this aims Information to modify performance in the skill that leads to reach the degree of optimal performance of the skill itself, and its concept has expanded and several definitions have emerged; The success of Mahdi Shalash defined it as an important factor in modifying the educational process; With the aim of maintaining the existence of the inputs and correcting them first, as for Bastawisi Ahmed, it is to know and evaluate the results, and then make use of them through the information that comes to the learner, resulting from his motor behavior, and Mufti Ibrahim says: They are different feelings emanating from the human being, such as: By blaming, or feeling a certain force on his body, or it is a feeling emanating from the sense of touch, or noticing the performance of a certain skill. [5]

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