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I believe that I can contribute to the success of the youth delegation to the World Democracy Forum in several ways, including:

Active participation: I will be active in discussions and workshops, and share my opinions and ideas based on my personal experiences and studies I have conducted on issues of democracy and human rights.Spreading awareness: After returning from the forum, I will share the knowledge and experiences I have gained with my local network of young people, through workshops, lectures and writing articles, helping to spread awareness and enhance understanding of democratic issues.Through these efforts, I can contribute to enhancing the success of the youth delegation and ensuring that our participation has a positive and sustainable impact on democracy in our communities and globally.

Original text

I believe that I can contribute to the success of the youth delegation to the World Democracy Forum in several ways, including:

Active participation: I will be active in discussions and workshops, and share my opinions and ideas based on my personal experiences and studies I have conducted on issues of democracy and human rights.

Research and Preparation: I will prepare advance research on the topics to be discussed in the forum, enabling me to make thoughtful and relevant contributions.

Cooperation and teamwork: I will work in a team spirit with other members of the delegation, and together we will strive to achieve the common goals of the delegation and represent our country and our youth in the best possible way.

Spreading awareness: After returning from the forum, I will share the knowledge and experiences I have gained with my local network of young people, through workshops, lectures and writing articles, helping to spread awareness and enhance understanding of democratic issues.

New Initiatives: Building on the ideas and good practices I will learn at the forum, I will work to develop and implement new initiatives and projects in my local community to promote democracy and civic engagement.

Communication and Networking: I will work to build strong relationships with other Forum participants, opening up opportunities for international cooperation and future joint projects.

Through these efforts, I can contribute to enhancing the success of the youth delegation and ensuring that our participation has a positive and sustainable impact on democracy in our communities and globally.

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