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There was an of sound the Gulf shoes alone with a small heat His journey wost ne for 4 days that caught ofth.Alter he pot tulis bod, ulther Fisher mem wone surprint, because the fish was someness.They even thougia de dms became the ducky for

After all, the young boy's pats fored their son of other host and he onl reject these instruction.The new boat that the young boy to the cary fiates for the first werk tot the old come back wildest any fish which really make the young boy cutt The boy slways come to meet him and help to the depe and sail.After big fick de fish wat sology that the alfa's lost was als days, fully the drawn by fat fuk.They both like hetall.

Original text


There was an of sound the Gulf shoes alone with a small heat His journey wost ne for 4 days that caught ofth. Early 40 days, fer and with young hery whene name is Martin. However, aller 40 days, his parents couldn't trust the wild. They even thougia de dms became the ducky for

After all, the young boy's pats fored their son of other host and he onl reject these instruction. The new boat that the young boy to the cary fiates for the first werk tot the old come back wildest any fish which really make the young boy cutt The boy slways come to meet him and help to the depe and sail. The young boy wanted to sail with the old must, but the old man reused it. The young boy bougle bear fue the old mas. Other form of the old man who hat cangit any fish for SM days, but the để mang mit. He told the young tubig and ros experiences of fishing. They both like hetall. They had about the N Magis in Yarizes. The chỉ qua sài the young boy that can the nest day of the Gulf to fish, onfident that his lucky strak is now lond

On the eighty-fifth day Santiago out love with belief that he will find s big fish, Hosens, le did not find any fine fas. After big fick de fish wat sology that the alfa's lost was als days, fully the drawn by fat fuk. The fought with that fish, and as the sand day. Hemed the fish finally

He went back inwand house, but on the way to home, shacksack in hoat he killed the first shark but he lost his weapon so he made weapon with his kith the give up the bage fish. He kept trying to conse tock to the crowded around his bout. He killed five stark aber with the at the came to his boat. After all, only m tail and is heat let aller attacks from sharks in spies tis classes, the old man wa satisfied with himself alough he lost smot post of the fi

At last, he reached the harbor. As soon as he reached, he fell asleep. He was so chamted by his smiling and fight with sharks. Alter he pot tulis bod, ulther Fisher mem wone surprint, because the fish was someness. They thought it must be a shark Meale, the young boy was so worried shoot the old man and he cried after the old man got sinep. The boy berght him wipapers a coller, the old man woke up and had a convenation with the boy. He promised to fish together. And then again he fell asleep, the boy was near to him and gaand him. The old mas had a diary of a Tion

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