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Hello Noran , how are you, I hope you are fine , I personally invited you to my brother's graduation party , it will be a very beautiful day , we will eat cakes together and we will drink refreshing juices and we will play with balloons and we will do beautiful games and there are many activities such as pinata and cake cutting and watching A short movie we will really enjoy, the party will be at 7 pm I hope to see you there , have a nice day.

Original text

Hello Noran , how are you, I hope you are fine , I personally invited you to my brother's graduation party , it will be a very beautiful day , we will eat cakes together and we will drink refreshing juices and we will play with balloons and we will do beautiful games and there are many activities such as pinata and cake cutting and watching A short movie we will really enjoy, the party will be at 7 pm I hope to see you there , have a nice day.

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