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The interest in writing this paper began after reading the paper by Howell, Preston, Schied, and Carter (1996).When individually perceived and defined, we strive to achieve what we believe to be a "quality life," maintaining "quality relationships," spending "quality time." Thus, while the growth and implementation of quality as a movement has lessened, the application of the concept is an integral part of our culture, our lives. Chang (1993) in an intense review of the literature on total quality management success stories, and various quality award criteria and certification guidelines around the world, identified ten "core threads" that are evident in successful TQM initiatives: an intense customer focus, handson involvement of senior management, deployment of strategic objectives, continuous process improvement, empowered involvement of satisfied employees, long term orientation, targeted measurement data, market responsiveness, continuous learning and development, and internal and external partnerships.Managers are being forced to extirpate what they perceive are excessive resources, which often are the people, using any measure that they deem rational to carry out their objectives.As stated above, they argued that the TQM process is implemented under the guise of education and training, but is actually driven by a corporate policy to cut labor costs.What the management of the company did in Pennsylvania, described in their paper, is not new.Organizations also want to sell "quality products," provide "quality service," and do it within organizations recognized for their
"quality work environment."Total quality management can be a highly effective tool to use for this adverse purpose.

Original text

The interest in writing this paper began after reading the paper by Howell, Preston, Schied, and Carter (1996). As stated above, they argued that the TQM process is implemented under the guise of education and training, but is actually driven by a corporate policy to cut labor costs. What the management of the company did in Pennsylvania, described in their paper, is not new. Managers are being forced to extirpate what they perceive are excessive resources, which often are the people, using any measure that they deem rational to carry out their objectives. Total quality management can be a highly effective tool to use for this adverse purpose. Identifying an overall mission and goals by management, justifying it by emphasizing its acceptance in order to counter increasing competition, and then establishing work teams and requiring them to develop "team driven" strategies to actualize the goals, diminishes the onus of responsibility for any changes management must make if they do not realize the goals. The managers at the Pennsylvania plant, described in Howell, Preston, Schied, and Carter (1996) were required to follow rigid standards to comply with the ISO 9000 criteria, the international standard for products and practices. Management's interpretation of the criteria, however, resulted in an arbitrary comprehensive testing of all employees, and the development of a two-tiered status of the workers, i.e., those who past the tests and those who did not. This decision was a decision by management who chose to use their adaptation of TQM to carry it out. Thus, it was the misuse and abuse by management of this plant, and not the TQM process that created the resulting demoralizing havoc among the workers.
In contrast, the management at the plant described in this paper, concentrated on similar goals, the increase of productivity within rigid standards, but without increased costs, and lower costs if possible. They implemented the first three principles described above (customer focus, continuous improvement, and decisions based on facts), but equally concentrated on the fourth principle, respect for people. The result was an increasing sensitivity of the worth and value of the workers, and the allowance and encouragement for their self direction in resolving the problems preventing increased productivity. This is the full use of TQM that, when collaboratively attempted, can result in positive outcomes for everyone.
The pursuit of "quality" is a driving force of every person, of every organization. When individually perceived and defined, we strive to achieve what we believe to be a "quality life," maintaining "quality relationships," spending "quality time." Organizations also want to sell "quality products," provide "quality service," and do it within organizations recognized for their
"quality work environment." Thus, while the growth and implementation of quality as a movement has lessened, the application of the concept is an integral part of our culture, our lives. Chang (1993) in an intense review of the literature on total quality management success stories, and various quality award criteria and certification guidelines around the world, identified ten "core threads" that are evident in successful TQM initiatives: an intense customer focus, handson involvement of senior management, deployment of strategic objectives, continuous process improvement, empowered involvement of satisfied employees, long term orientation, targeted measurement data, market responsiveness, continuous learning and development, and internal and external partnerships. We italicized the three "threads" that reflect a respect for people. These are the three that are most often not implemented. They are also the three most difficult to implement. The challenge is evident. Despite it being a process called total quality management, or any other name, to assure successful growth of both organizations and individuals, a genuine respect for people is mandatory.

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