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Science plays a key role in improving life in the UAE.Advanced methods ensure food security and support the economy.While science offers many advantages, there are also disadvantages.However, by using science wisely, the UAE can overcome environmental and food challenges, creating a better future for everyone
Science plays a key role in improving life in the UAE. Solar power is one example of clean energy that powers homes and businesses. It reduces pollution and helps the country move toward sustainability.Modern farming techniques also make a big difference. In the UAE’s hot climate, science helps farmers grow crops using less water. Advanced methods ensure food security and support the economy.While science offers many advantages, there are also disadvantages. Over-reliance on technology can lead to waste if not managed properly. However, by using science wisely, the UAE can overcome environmental and food challenges, creating a better future for everyone
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1. South Korea: Workaholic Culture vs. Work-Life Balance The Problem: • South Korea is known for i...
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