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It shows that the proposal is based on the need of using a visionary approach and in determination of new dimensions of decision making.Apart from this, the need for bringing about cultural reforms is also crucial and shows how valid and important it is to promote cultural exchanges, educational reforms and to work on the advancements of these sectors as they can add extensively to the economic performance of the organization.

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It shows that the proposal is based on the need of using a visionary approach and in determination of new dimensions of decision making.
Apart from this, the proposals are based on extensive levels of research on economic plans and are also based on evidence.
It is due to these reasons that the economic measures assessed and identified need to be determined for provision of effective economic impetus and plans.
Apart from this, the need for bringing about cultural reforms is also crucial and shows how valid and important it is to promote cultural exchanges, educational reforms and to work on the advancements of these sectors as they can add extensively to the economic performance of the organization.
I am also positive about the plans and am sure that if implemented, they can contribute towards bringing about a major level of change in the functioning of the organization.

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