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This study evaluates the effectiveness of safety programs in promoting a safe work environment and reducing the risks of working at height.You will also use standard operating procedures (SOPs), survey questionnaires, and monitoring audits to evaluate the effectiveness of safety programs.Variables will include risk monitoring efforts, control procedures, and application of a risk control process for working at height.

Original text

This study evaluates the effectiveness of safety programs in promoting a safe work environment and reducing the risks of working at height. A mixed approach including quantitative and qualitative methods will be used, and a cross-sectional study will be conducted in a herbal company using secondary data. Variables will include risk monitoring efforts, control procedures, and application of a risk control process for working at height. Joint Safety Analysis (JSA) will be used and JSA reviews will be conducted every six months to evaluate the effectiveness of the program. You will also use standard operating procedures (SOPs), survey questionnaires, and monitoring audits to evaluate the effectiveness of safety programs. The goal of this study is to identify effective strategies to promote safer work environments.

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