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A I work on Saturdays and in the school holidays. Saturdays are busy because that is when everyone goes shopping. Our shop sells clothes and accessories for men, women and children. I work in the children’s department. It can be crazy sometimes, but it is fun. B I work during my summer holidays when I am not at university. Oxford has thousands of tourists in the summer, so it is easy to find a job as a tour guide. I take tourists to visit the university colleges and then we go down to the river. We go along the river on a boat. The tourists love the boat trip, but last summer one tourist fell in the river! I love meeting people from all over the world. C I like my job, , but lots of people do not like coming to see me because they hate dentists. Sometimes it is very hard work, but it is great to help people when they have a problem. It is so important to look after your teeth. D My job is very difficult, but I like it because I love flying. I fly planes that take people to different places on holiday. Most of the time I fly in Europe to places like Spain, Greece and Italy. The most difficult thing about my job is when the weather is bad. Snow and thunderstorms are the worst. The best thing is visiting different places. E I work in a hospital in the city center. It is a very big hospital. I help the doctors with the patients. I give them their medicine and look after them when they feel ill. I love my job but I do not like the uniform and sometimes I have to work at night.

Original text

A I work on Saturdays and in the school holidays. Saturdays are busy because that is when everyone goes shopping. Our shop sells clothes and accessories for men, women and children. I work in the children’s department. It can be crazy sometimes, but it is fun. B I work during my summer holidays when I am not at university. Oxford has thousands of tourists in the summer, so it is easy to find a job as a tour guide. I take tourists to visit the university colleges and then we go down to the river. We go along the river on a boat. The tourists love the boat trip, but last summer one tourist fell in the river! I love meeting people from all over the world. C I like my job, , but lots of people do not like coming to see me because they hate dentists. Sometimes it is very hard work, but it is great to help people when they have a problem. It is so important to look after your teeth. D My job is very difficult, but I like it because I love flying. I fly planes that take people to different places on holiday. Most of the time I fly in Europe to places like Spain, Greece and Italy. The most difficult thing about my job is when the weather is bad. Snow and thunderstorms are the worst. The best thing is visiting different places. E I work in a hospital in the city center. It is a very big hospital. I help the doctors with the patients. I give them their medicine and look after them when they feel ill. I love my job but I do not like the uniform and sometimes I have to work at night.

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