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I need your help, Holmes. Something very serious happened at my collegeWho copied the exam questions?SHERLOCK HOLMES was staying in one of England's most famous university townsOne evening he received a visit from an old friend, Mr Henry Weaver, a tutor atone of the colleges. He seemed very nervous and excited.this afternoon."Holmes was very busy. "Why didn't you call the police?" he said irritably,'No, no that's impossible. We can't have a scandal at the college. Let meexplain. You see, tomorrow is the first day of the university examinations, andthis afternoon I received the Greek translation papers. I put them on the desk inmy room while I went to have tea with a friend. When 1 returned, I sawimmediately that the papers were lying on the floor by the windowI see,' said Holmes. Please continue.""Well, at first I thought that perhaps my servant, Bannister, was responsible,but of course he said no, and I believe him. He and I examined the room verycarefully.'And what did you find?' asked Holmes impatiently'On the table next to the window we found a broken pencil. Also, on my deskthere was a small ball of black mud. There were no signs of entry at the window,Please help me, Holmes. It's clear that someone copied the exam questions. Ifdon't find who did it, I will have to cancel the exam and there will be a scandal'I need to visit your room,' said Holmes. Looking for cluesThey walked towards the tutor's room, which was on the ground floor. Holmestried to look in through the window but he wasn't tall enough. Above lived threestudents, one on each floor. Holmes entered the room and examined the carpet.'Nothing,' he said. 'Let me look at the table by the window.''What can you see?”'Ah, yes, it's clear what happened. Someone took the papers one at a timefrom your desk over to the window table to copy them, because from there hecould see when you were returning."'But nobody could see me. I came back through the side door.''Ah, so you surprised him and he had to leave hurriedly. Did you hearsomeone running away as you entered?"'No.'Interesting. So, we just have one small ball of black mud as a clue. Now tellme, where does that door go to?''My bedroom."'Can I examine it?''Yes, of course.'Holmes followed Weaver into his bedroom.'Hello,' said Holmes, 'what's this? Another small ball of black mud, exactlylike the one on the desk. Clearly your visitor came into the bedroom." "" don^ prime t understand. Why did he do that?"'Well, when you came back so suddenly, he ran into your bedroom to hide.Look at the bedroom window, it's open. That is obviously how he escaped.

Now,' said Holmes, the three students who live above you. Are they all takingthis examination?"'Yes.'Tell me about them."'Ah, that's important. Now, Weaver. I wish you goodnight. I'll returntomorrow.Next morning Sherlock Holmes left his house very early before he returned tothe tutor's rooms. Mr Weaver was waiting nervously for him.'How tall? What a strange question. Erm... I think Miles is taller than theIndian, but Gresham is the tallest, over six feet."Now tell me,' said Holmes, 'how tall are these young men?"'Daulat Ras lives there. He is from India - very quiet and hard-working, butGreek translation is his weak subject. And finally there's Miles McLaren on thetop floor. A very intelligent student, one of the best when he chooses to work -but he's very lazy and very worried about this exam."'Well, on the first floor is Gresham, an excellent student and an athlete,particularly good at the long jump. He's hard-working but poor.'And the second floor?"

Original text

I need your help, Holmes. Something very serious happened at my collegeWho copied the exam questions?SHERLOCK HOLMES was staying in one of England's most famous university townsOne evening he received a visit from an old friend, Mr Henry Weaver, a tutor atone of the colleges. He seemed very nervous and excited.this afternoon."Holmes was very busy. "Why didn't you call the police?" he said irritably,'No, no that's impossible. We can't have a scandal at the college. Let meexplain. You see, tomorrow is the first day of the university examinations, andthis afternoon I received the Greek translation papers. I put them on the desk inmy room while I went to have tea with a friend. When 1 returned, I sawimmediately that the papers were lying on the floor by the windowI see,' said Holmes. Please continue.""Well, at first I thought that perhaps my servant, Bannister, was responsible,but of course he said no, and I believe him. He and I examined the room verycarefully.'And what did you find?' asked Holmes impatiently'On the table next to the window we found a broken pencil. Also, on my deskthere was a small ball of black mud. There were no signs of entry at the window,Please help me, Holmes. It's clear that someone copied the exam questions. Ifdon't find who did it, I will have to cancel the exam and there will be a scandal'I need to visit your room,' said Holmes. Looking for cluesThey walked towards the tutor's room, which was on the ground floor. Holmestried to look in through the window but he wasn't tall enough. Above lived threestudents, one on each floor. Holmes entered the room and examined the carpet.'Nothing,' he said. 'Let me look at the table by the window.''What can you see?”'Ah, yes, it's clear what happened. Someone took the papers one at a timefrom your desk over to the window table to copy them, because from there hecould see when you were returning."'But nobody could see me. I came back through the side door.''Ah, so you surprised him and he had to leave hurriedly. Did you hearsomeone running away as you entered?"'No.'Interesting. So, we just have one small ball of black mud as a clue. Now tellme, where does that door go to?''My bedroom."'Can I examine it?''Yes, of course.'Holmes followed Weaver into his bedroom.'Hello,' said Holmes, 'what's this? Another small ball of black mud, exactlylike the one on the desk. Clearly your visitor came into the bedroom." "" don^ prime t understand. Why did he do that?"'Well, when you came back so suddenly, he ran into your bedroom to hide.Look at the bedroom window, it's open. That is obviously how he escaped.

Now,' said Holmes, the three students who live above you. Are they all takingthis examination?"'Yes.'Tell me about them."'Ah, that's important. Now, Weaver. I wish you goodnight. I'll returntomorrow.Next morning Sherlock Holmes left his house very early before he returned tothe tutor's rooms. Mr Weaver was waiting nervously for him.'How tall? What a strange question. Erm... I think Miles is taller than theIndian, but Gresham is the tallest, over six feet."Now tell me,' said Holmes, 'how tall are these young men?"'Daulat Ras lives there. He is from India - very quiet and hard-working, butGreek translation is his weak subject. And finally there's Miles McLaren on thetop floor. A very intelligent student, one of the best when he chooses to work -but he's very lazy and very worried about this exam."'Well, on the first floor is Gresham, an excellent student and an athlete,particularly good at the long jump. He's hard-working but poor.'And the second floor?"

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