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?Providing job opportunities for researchers: One of the advantages of small projects is to reduce the level of unemployment in Oman.Small projects constitute an essential and important focus of economic policy in Oman, as Oman aims to reduce the unemployment rate and employ job seekers, as it can be a source of renewal, innovation and the creation of new administrative cadres.Some economic studies in Oman recently confirmed and indicated that small projects can absorb and employ a greater number of job seekers compared to large projects, and with this solution the unemployment rate in Oman will be reduced and the largest number of job seekers will be employed.Small projects are among the economic sectors that receive great attention in all countries of the world, due to the role they play in producing and employing job seekers, in addition to their role in achieving the economic and social renaissance that Oman seeks.The high level of unemployment is due to the lack of job opportunities in Oman, which threatens instability and other countries.?????

Original text

‏Providing job opportunities for researchers: One of the advantages of small projects is to reduce the level of unemployment in Oman. The high level of unemployment is due to the lack of job opportunities in Oman, which threatens instability and other countries. Therefore, it is required to provide a new strategy to get rid of this problem, and the solution to this problem is small projects promoted by the state and have many advantages that benefit society.

‏ Small projects are among the economic sectors that receive great attention in all countries of the world, due to the role they play in producing and employing job seekers, in addition to their role in achieving the economic and social renaissance that Oman seeks.

‏ Small projects constitute an essential and important focus of economic policy in Oman, as Oman aims to reduce the unemployment rate and employ job seekers, as it can be a source of renewal, innovation and the creation of new administrative cadres.

‏ Small projects in Oman aim to present and acquire ideas for large companies that will appear in the future in a broader picture. And the success of large projects comes from small projects at the beginning and then develops into larger ones.

‏ Some economic studies in Oman recently confirmed and indicated that small projects can absorb and employ a greater number of job seekers compared to large projects, and with this solution the unemployment rate in Oman will be reduced and the largest number of job seekers will be employed.

‏ And that most of the small projects in Oman fall within the projects that need a number of job seekers and little capital, in contrast to large projects that need a large capital and less labor.

Advantages of Small-Business Ownership

‏Flexibility, generally lean staffing, and the ability to develop close relationships with customers are among the key benefits of small businesses. “

‏ Therefore, small projects must be supported to reduce the level of unemployment and improve the standard of living for members of society by employing them in various fields.

‏ Mustafa Abdullah Al-Qudah (2020), Entrepreneurship and support for small projects and their role in reducing unemployment, International Journal for the Publication of Research and Studies.

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