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In this Project we will present and discuss the Role of Accounting
information system in making investment decisions.
First we need to know
about accounting information systems.
Accounting information becomes a
very important part in the management and success or failure of the business.
It includes every organization achieving the highest level of efficiency, which
indicates the extent of the ability to achieve commitment, which must rely
heavily on the accounting information system. First we need to know about
Accounting information system and how the investors and organization they
benefit from this accounting information and what’s the types of (AIS) to help
in making investment decisions.
Accounting Information System: is an information system collecting,
processing and storing the data related to the economic activities of business
enterprises for the parts to make a decision about the business enterprises, The
organization needs a good accounting information system to perform its
function based on the correct and important information obtained at the right
time in the right place.
The data obtained in the approved accounting system
contributes to the success and stability of attracting investments to it.

Original text

In this Project we will present and discuss the Role of Accounting
information system in making investment decisions. First we need to know
about accounting information systems. Accounting information becomes a
very important part in the management and success or failure of the business.
It includes every organization achieving the highest level of efficiency, which
indicates the extent of the ability to achieve commitment, which must rely
heavily on the accounting information system. First we need to know about
Accounting information system and how the investors and organization they
benefit from this accounting information and what’s the types of (AIS) to help
in making investment decisions.
Accounting Information System: is an information system collecting,
processing and storing the data related to the economic activities of business
enterprises for the parts to make a decision about the business enterprises, The
organization needs a good accounting information system to perform its
function based on the correct and important information obtained at the right
time in the right place. The data obtained in the approved accounting system
contributes to the success and stability of attracting investments to it.

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