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Strategic partnerships: Pfizer can enter into strategic partnerships with other companies to develop and commercialize new products.o
Acquisitions: Pfizer can acquire other companies to diversify its
product portfolio and gain access to new markets.o Healthcare reforms: With the increasing focus on healthcare reforms, Pfizer can benefit from the growing demand for affordable and effective healthcare solutions.This could help the company share the risks and costs associated with drug development while also expanding its product pipeline.

Original text

Strategic partnerships: Pfizer can enter into strategic partnerships with other companies to develop and commercialize new products. This could help the company share the risks and costs associated with drug development while also expanding its product pipeline.

Acquisitions: Pfizer can acquire other companies to diversify its
product portfolio and gain access to new markets. This could help the
company strengthen its position in the pharmaceutical industry and increase its revenue.
• Healthcare reforms: With the increasing focus on healthcare reforms, Pfizer can benefit from the growing demand for affordable and effective healthcare solutions. The company can develop products that meet the changing needs of patients and governments.

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