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Thank you, Khisa.In conclusion, we must understand that antibiotic resistance is a global problem that requires cooperation between scientists, doctors and the public to limit its spread and maintain the effectiveness of antibiotics.These resistant bacteria pass their genes on to subsequent generations, further spreading resistance.In the case of antibiotic resistance, bacteria evolve to be able to survive and reproduce even in the presence of antibiotics.Genetic mutations occur randomly and may lead to changes in antibiotic-binding proteins.Not completing the full course of antibiotics or using them incorrectly can increase the likelihood of resistance developing.Evolution is key to understanding how bacteria evolve to become resistant to antibiotics.Your participation was wonderful.2.3.4.

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Thank you, Khisa. Your participation was wonderful. You did an excellent job. Indeed when we talk about antibiotic resistance and how evolution can be an important part of this phenomenon. Evolution is key to understanding how bacteria evolve to become resistant to antibiotics. He has highlighted key points such as:

  1. Evolution and biological resistance: Evolution is an essential mechanism for the development of biological resistance. When an organism is exposed to environmental stress, it can evolve to adapt to that stress. In the case of antibiotic resistance, bacteria evolve to be able to survive and reproduce even in the presence of antibiotics.

  2. Natural selection: Natural selection plays an important role in the evolution of resistance. When bacteria are exposed to antibiotics, some die, but others gain resistance. These resistant bacteria pass their genes on to subsequent generations, further spreading resistance.

  3. Molecular evolution: Evolution is achieved through changes in DNA (genes). Genetic mutations occur randomly and may lead to changes in antibiotic-binding proteins. These changes may make bacteria resistant to antibiotics.

  4. Proper use of antibiotics: Antibiotics should be used with caution as directed by doctors. Not completing the full course of antibiotics or using them incorrectly can increase the likelihood of resistance developing.

In conclusion, we must understand that antibiotic resistance is a global problem that requires cooperation between scientists, doctors and the public to limit its spread and maintain the effectiveness of antibiotics.

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