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1.Ways of presenting the meaning of new Items Concise definition (as in a dictionary; often a superordinate with

Qualifications: for example; a cat is an animal which...)

- Detailed description (of appearance, qualities..)

Examples( hyponyms)

Illustration (picture, object)

Demonstration (acting, mime)

Context (story or sentence in which the item occurs)


Opposite (antonyms)

Associated ideas

Stage 2:Put in your practical suggestions aside for the moment, study a list of different techniques of presenting the meaning of new vocabularies.Aspects of meaning: denotation, connotation, appropriateness.Aspects of meaning: denotation, connotation, appropriateness.Grammar.Collocation.Grammar.

Original text

  1. What Needs to Be Taught?1. What Needs to Be Taught?

The most important things the students need to know about a lexical item are its written and spoken form and its most usual meaning. However, there are additional aspects which also need to be learnt from the pronunciation and spelling. The students have to know what word sound like and what it looks like.

  1. Grammar. The grammar of new items will need to be taught if this is not obviously covered by general grammatical rules.

  2. Collocation. This another piece of information about a new item which it may

be worth reaching.

  1. Aspects of meaning: denotation, connotation, appropriateness.

  2. Aspects of meaning: Meaning relationships:

a. Synonyms

b. Antonyms

c. Hyponyms

d. hyponyms of animal.

e. Co-hyponyms or co-ordinates

f. Superordinate

  1. Stages for Presenting New Vocabularies

To produce new items, the following stages may be useful.

Stage 1:Select items from the vocabulary taught in a foreign language textbook you know. Think how the meaning of these items would best be presented to students who are encouraging it for the first time, and note down some ideas.

The most important things the students need to know about a lexical item are its written and spoken form and its most usual meaning. However, there are additional aspects which also need to be learnt from the pronunciation and spelling. The students have to know what word sound like and what it looks like.

  1. Grammar. The grammar of new items will need to be taught if this is not obviously covered by general grammatical rules.

  2. Collocation. This another piece of information about a new item which it may

be worth reaching.

  1. Aspects of meaning: denotation, connotation, appropriateness.

  2. Aspects of meaning: Meaning relationships:

a. Synonyms

b. Antonyms

c. Hyponyms

d. hyponyms of animal.

e. Co-hyponyms or co-ordinates

f. Superordinate

  1. Stages for Presenting New Vocabularies

To produce new items, the following stages may be useful.

Stage 1:Select items from the vocabulary taught in a foreign language textbook you know. Think how the meaning of these items would best be presented to students who are encouraging it for the first time, and note down some ideas.
Ways of presenting the meaning of new Items Concise definition (as in a dictionary; often a superordinate with

Qualifications: for example; a cat is an animal which...)

  • Detailed description (of appearance, qualities..)

Examples( hyponyms)

Illustration (picture, object)

Demonstration (acting, mime)

Context (story or sentence in which the item occurs)


Opposite (antonyms)

Associated ideas

Stage 2:Put in your practical suggestions aside for the moment, study a list of different techniques of presenting the meaning of new vocabularies.

Stage 3: Identify which one or more of the techniques were used in your own idea for


Stage 4: On the basis of the information gathered in stage 3, or your own reflection discuss orally or in writing generalizations that can be made about the usefulness of the different techniques. Bellow, specific questions to consider.

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