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Down syndrome is the most prevalent genetic disorder of intellectual disability and is caused by trisomy of Homo sapiens chromosome 21 (HSA21).A piece of chromosome 21 may potentially translocate (connect to another chromosome) prior to or during conception, resulting in the development of down syndrome.Down syndrome may result from any one of the following three genetic variations:
Trisomy 21, in which chromosome 21 has three copies rather than the normal two in all cells, accounts for approximately 95% of cases of Down syndrome.The genetic basis of Down syndrome and the correlation between various genotypes and phenotypes are the subject of various hypotheses.A gene dosage imbalance involving an excess of the Hsa21 gene or its genes is one of them.Translocation Down syndrome.

Original text

Down syndrome is the most prevalent genetic disorder of intellectual disability and is caused by trisomy of Homo sapiens chromosome 21 (HSA21). Down syndrome results when abnormal cell division involving chromosome 21 occurs. These cell division abnormalities result in an extra partial or full chromosome . Down syndrome's distinct features and developmental problems are caused by this additional genetic material. Down syndrome may result from any one of the following three genetic variations:
Trisomy 21, in which chromosome 21 has three copies rather than the normal two in all cells, accounts for approximately 95% of cases of Down syndrome. This results from atypical cell division that happens either during the development of the sperm cell or the egg cell.
Translocation Down syndrome. A piece of chromosome 21 may potentially translocate (connect to another chromosome) prior to or during conception, resulting in the development of down syndrome. These kids have two copies of chromosome 21 as usual, plus extra genetic material from chromosome 21 that is joined to another chromosome.
Mosaic Down syndrome. A person with this uncommon variant of Down syndrome only has a few cells with an extra copy of chromosome 21. After conception, aberrant cell division results in this mixture of healthy and defective cells.
The genetic basis of Down syndrome and the correlation between various genotypes and phenotypes are the subject of various hypotheses. A gene dosage imbalance involving an excess of the Hsa21 gene or its genes is one of them.
•There are no known environmental or behavioral causes of Down syndrome.

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