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Is taking off your hat indoors a moral issue?Even Children as young as three years have been able to distinguish between moral and conventional issues ( Nucci 1981; Nucci & Nucci, 1982 )
Development psychologists advise that it is important for teachers to discriminate between moral issue and issues of convention when dealing with discipline over rule infractions.If, on the other hand, the information involves moral issue, it is important for an adult to talk with the child about the implications of the action in regard to human rights and fairness.No lectures, please.The wrong must be made right so that justice prevails

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Is taking off your hat indoors a moral issue?
It is important to make the distinction between issues of morality and issues of social convention. While moral issues involve concepts such as justice, fairness, and human rights, issues that are convention involve socially agreed - upon rules such as taking off one's hat indoors, sitting on all four legs of a chair, or limits on the number of children allowed in a play area at any one time are all conventions which involve no moral issue. Even Children as young as three years have been able to distinguish between moral and conventional issues ( Nucci 1981; Nucci & Nucci, 1982 )
Development psychologists advise that it is important for teachers to discriminate between moral issue and issues of convention when dealing with discipline over rule infractions. When a child breaks a rule that is a convention, she is simply to be told that a rule was broken and stop the action. No lectures, please. If, on the other hand, the information involves moral issue, it is important for an adult to talk with the child about the implications of the action in regard to human rights and fairness. The wrong must be made right so that justice prevails

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