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In article one, the concept of culture and consumer behavior is a more general model that can be used by marketers to predict the behavior of consumer in foreign markets.Article second, the management science and operation have recently focused on the mechanisms and strategies that can counter the adverse influence of strategic behavior.They concluded that the actual achievement was inconsistent with the amount of effort expended.Programs designed to solve or at least accommodate the problems discussed above may help correct the imbalance of results and efforts in the futureArticle Third, in (1969) assessed the state of knowledge in the behavioral sciences.Unfortunately, this conclusion appears to apply to the field of consumer research.

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In article one, the concept of culture and consumer behavior is a more general model that can be used by marketers to predict the behavior of consumer in foreign markets. Article second, the management science and operation have recently focused on the mechanisms and strategies that can counter the adverse influence of strategic behavior. Article Third, in (1969) assessed the state of knowledge in the behavioral sciences. They concluded that the actual achievement was inconsistent with the amount of effort expended. Unfortunately, this conclusion appears to apply to the field of consumer research. Programs designed to solve or at least accommodate the problems discussed above may help correct the imbalance of results and efforts in the future

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