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Shipping industry has been an extremely volatile yet conservative entity, characterised by strong competition, high capital costs, high operating costs, and low profit margins.In its attempts to remain economically viable, the industry has moved in several key directions - adopting economies of scale, implementing new technologies, and now integrating automation into terminal operations.Labour unions have continued to pressure for the status quo; however, economic necessity is continually driving the industry to explore more efficient work practices.Container vessels continue to grow in size as the economies of scale are explored and pushed to the limits of current hull and engine design technology.

Original text

Shipping industry has been an extremely volatile yet conservative entity, characterised by strong competition, high capital costs, high operating costs, and low profit margins. Labour unions have continued to pressure for the status quo; however, economic necessity is continually driving the industry to explore more efficient work practices. In its attempts to remain economically viable, the industry has moved in several key directions – adopting economies of scale, implementing new technologies, and now integrating automation into terminal operations. Container vessels continue to grow in size as the economies of scale are explored and pushed to the limits of current hull and engine design technology. The impacts of larger vessel size on terminal design will become even
more severe as vessels continue to increase in size and capacity.”

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