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The successful entrepreneur does not only represent himself, but rather represents his country and its people, and that with his success, the country succeeds and builds good relations with the general public of different nationalities and social classes.Among the challenges he faced at the beginning were primitive working methods and the high cost of imported equipment

5 - The financial aspect and the lack of resources and capabilities available at the present time may be a great challenge that only a person with determination and persistence can overcome, and that being patient and starting to climb the ladder of success begins with a bold step.2 - He founded the Ahmed Mansour Al-Aali Group in 1949.He currently owns several branches outside Bahrain.

Original text

The successful entrepreneur does not only represent himself, but rather represents his country and its people, and that with his success, the country succeeds and builds good relations with the general public of different nationalities and social classes. Haj Ahmed Mansour Al-Aali played this role to the fullest extent and was one of the elite contributors to the advancement of the country and the association. Aali Charity is a good example of his social and political role

1- Haj Ahmed Mansour Al-Aali was born in 1930 and began working after World War II. He is considered one of the first entrepreneurs in the field of construction, contracting and real estate in Bahrain.

2 - He founded the Ahmed Mansour Al-Aali Group in 1949. He was one of the first business owners in Bahrain to open concrete and brick factories in Bahrain. He was able to develop and expand his company’s business in Bahrain and extended its activity outside Bahrain. He currently owns several branches outside Bahrain.

3 - The reason I chose businessman Ahmed Mansour Al-Aali is his love for doing good, the principles and values that he had, and his humility among the general public. This is something that caught my attention in his personality, which literally embodies the meaning that a person’s success is reflected in the extent of his influence on his country and society.

4 - One of the lessons that can be learned from Hajj Ahmed Mansour Al-Aali is that achieving success does not require much, and that success can begin with the simplest capabilities, determination, effort, perseverance, and humility.
Among the challenges he faced at the beginning were primitive working methods and the high cost of imported equipment

5 - The financial aspect and the lack of resources and capabilities available at the present time may be a great challenge that only a person with determination and persistence can overcome, and that being patient and starting to climb the ladder of success begins with a bold step.
The successful entrepreneur does not only represent himself, but rather he represents his country and its people, and that with his success, the country succeeds and builds good relations with the general public of different nationalities and social classes. Hajj Ahmed Mansour Al-Aali played this role to the fullest extent and was one of the elite contributors to the advancement of the country and its role. The prominent social and political figure in Bahrain and outside Bahrain

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