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Volkswagen's main problem, in this case, is that it has installed a hidden system inside the cars that makes it know when to conduct diesel emissions checks, and during it, the car reduces the power of the engine, which will lead to the illusion of the technical factor that this car is low emissions and conforms to the required international conditions.It also contributes to the development of cars manufactured and increases their quality by Volkswagen.

Original text

Volkswagen's main problem, in this case, is that it has installed a hidden system inside the cars that makes it know when to conduct diesel emissions checks, and during it, the car reduces the power of the engine, which will lead to the illusion of the technical factor that this car is low emissions and conforms to the required international conditions.
Therefore, the ideal solution to this issue is the invention of an automobile exhaust that reduces emissions, and this solution will take a long time and may take several years depending on the speed of completion of the work, because it passes through several stages, including generating ideas, then designing the model, then making a prototype, then conducting tests The efficiency of the product Finally, the final product was released and began to be installed in new cars. This solution takes a long time, but it guarantees an excellent solution to the problem. It also contributes to the development of cars manufactured and increases their quality by Volkswagen.

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