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Dear Pegasus Airlines Customer Service,

I am writing to express my profound disappointment and utter dismay regarding the deplorable treatment I endured during my recent flight on 28 January 2024.Time is of the essence, and I expect a swift and satisfactory resolution to this matter.I am prepared to share my harrowing experience with my followers, ensuring that potential travelers are fully aware of the abysmal treatment they may encounter when choosing to fly with Pegasus Airlines.I witnessed another family, Omani nationals from GCC like myself, subjected to the same callous treatment after arriving late to the gate.This egregious display of incompetence and unprofessionalism reflects poorly on your airline.My exhausted and inconsolable children were met with callous indifference from your staff, who proceeded to berate me and demand my immediate departure.This discriminatory behavior towards passengers from the GCC region is not only reprehensible but also deeply alarming.In light of these egregious circumstances, I was compelled to secure one-way flights with an alternative airline, incurring a substantial financial burden of $1,560.

Original text

Dear Pegasus Airlines Customer Service,

I am writing to express my profound disappointment and utter dismay regarding the deplorable treatment I endured during my recent flight on 28 January 2024. To my astonishment, I arrived at the gate just a few minutes after the boarding time, only to find it unceremoniously closed. My exhausted and inconsolable children were met with callous indifference from your staff, who proceeded to berate me and demand my immediate departure.

Regrettably, this distressing incident was not isolated to my family alone. I witnessed another family, Omani nationals from GCC like myself, subjected to the same callous treatment after arriving late to the gate. This discriminatory behavior towards passengers from the GCC region is not only reprehensible but also deeply alarming.

Adding to the gravity of the situation, your lack of organization and failure to announce the flight gate or make a final call exacerbated the chaos and confusion among passengers. This egregious display of incompetence and unprofessionalism reflects poorly on your airline.

In light of these egregious circumstances, I was compelled to secure one-way flights with an alternative airline, incurring a substantial financial burden of $1,560. It is important to note that this alternative flight departed from another airport, necessitating an arduous rush and additional stress for my family.

I want to underscore the severity of this incident by informing you that I manage a prominent Instagram account with a substantial following. I am prepared to share my harrowing experience with my followers, ensuring that potential travelers are fully aware of the abysmal treatment they may encounter when choosing to fly with Pegasus Airlines.

Given the immense disturbance, financial loss, and emotional distress caused by this ordeal, I insist upon a full refund of $1,560 which I incurred as a result. I implore you to take immediate and decisive action to rectify this situation and provide a prompt resolution. Failure to do so will only further tarnish the reputation of Pegasus Airlines.

Please acknowledge the receipt of this formal complaint and respond with your proposed solution as soon as possible. Time is of the essence, and I expect a swift and satisfactory resolution to this matter.

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