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The World Health Organization defines physical health as enjoying good physical health, ensuring that all organs of the body are healthy, and performing their organic functions.Establishing a daily exercise routine has been linked to improved cognitive function, improved memory, and enhanced creativity.Doing activities such as jogging, swimming, or cycling enhances overall fitness levels, reduces the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes, and boosts the immune system.Because a healthy mind resides in a healthy body; Taking care of physical health is the cornerstone of support for enhancing opportunities for increased productivity and creativity for the individual.Physical health greatly affects mental health.

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The World Health Organization defines physical health as enjoying good physical health, ensuring that all organs of the body are healthy, and performing their organic functions. It also refers to the individual's ability to perform normal daily tasks smoothly, without the need for physical assistance from another party.

Because a healthy mind resides in a healthy body;  Taking care of physical health is the cornerstone of support for enhancing opportunities for increased productivity and creativity for the individual.  While those who suffer with their physical health spend a lot of time taking care of it;  This wastes a lot of opportunities. Now we will talk about topics related to physical health and its impact on mental health:

There is a several different problems
That our bodies suffer from and the most common problems are:
Overweight and Obesity
Substance Abuse
Injury and Violence
Environmental Quality
It’s can occur because of internal factors or external and environmental factors.

Regular exercise is the cornerstone of good physical health. It helps maintain a healthy weight, strengthens muscles and bones, and improves cardiovascular health. Doing activities such as jogging, swimming, or cycling enhances overall fitness levels, reduces the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes, and boosts the immune system.

Exercise is not only good for the body; It is a powerful mental health tool. Physical activity stimulates the body's natural mood lift. This can help and reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, promoting a positive outlook on life. Establishing a daily exercise routine has been linked to improved cognitive function, improved memory, and enhanced creativity.

Physical health greatly affects mental health. When the body feels pain, stress, or weakness, this affects the person's mood, general psychological state, and psychological balance. On the other hand, when the body is healthy and the person feels active and energetic, this has a positive effect on the psycholoaical state and increases his sense of satisfaction and happiness.

Good physical health Increases energy, mood, Good feelings about yourself, and social interaction .

Poor physical health leads to isolation and Alone , depression, and hinders daily activities.

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