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Corals are small, mini-anemone-like animals called polyps, which can form colonies.Coral reefs are made up of a multitude of coral species which together form an ecosystem, i.e. a very specific natural environment made up of different plants and animals.Corals are classified in the large family of stinging animals, the Cnidaria.Together these polyps form a common skeleton.

Original text

Corals are small, mini-anemone-like animals called polyps, which can form colonies. Together these polyps form a common skeleton.

Corals are classified in the large family of stinging animals, the Cnidaria.

Coral reefs are made up of a multitude of coral species which together form an ecosystem, i.e. a very specific natural environment made up of different plants and animals.

Coral reefs serve as refuges, food reserves and nurseries for their many inhabitants: from the smallest algae to numerous fish and invertebrates, but also to sea turtles and sharks.

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