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Summarize result (50%)

How does a factory town begin?Later, the first real shops
appear and the same businessmen give up their stalls
very successful and the literacy rate is over 90 per cent.The new factory towns of China have grown
opportunities has created an extremely motivatedThere's a
When the town starts to grow, the cellphone
workers so that they can phone the families they left
behind in their villages.population will be 60 per cent by 2030.

Original text

How does a factory town begin?
population will be 60 per cent by 2030.
What kind of life do people want?
vegetables on street stalls. Later, the first real shops
appear and the same businessmen give up their stalls
very successful and the literacy rate is over 90 per cent.
many people are looking for better training. There's a
When the town starts to grow, the cellphone
workers so that they can phone the families they left
behind in their villages. When the factories built by the
left his village. He now works in a factory and spends
quarter of his wages on training. Another young
see women. The factory managers prefer to give jobs to
man met is learning Arabic and is going to work as a
dreams of a more materialistic life just as people do in
the West. The new factory towns of China have grown
opportunities has created an extremely motivated

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