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Anglo-Saxon, term used historically to describe any member of the Germanic peoples who, from the Sth century ce to the time of the Norman Conquest (1066), inhabited and ruled territories that are today part of England and Wales.Archaeological evidence suggests that the first migrants from the Germanic areas of mainland Europe included settlers from Frisia and antedated the Roman withdrawal from Britain about 410 ce. Their subsequent settlements in what is now England laid the foundation for the later kingdoms of Essex, Sussex, and Wessex (Saxons); East Anglia, Middle Anglia, Mercia, and Northumbria (Angles): and Kent (Jutes).The term Anglo-Saxon seems to have been first used by Continental writers in the late 8th century to distinguish the Saxons of Britain from those of the European continent, whom Bede the Venerable had called Antiqui Saxones ("Old Saxons"). The name formed part of rex Angul-Saxonum ("king of the Anglo-Saxons"), which was sometimes used by King Alfred of title, Wessex (reigned 871-99) and some of his successors.Ethnically, the Anglo-Saxons actually represented an admixture of Germanic peoples with Britain's preexisting Celtic inhabitants and subsequent Viking and Danish invaders.

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Anglo-Saxon, term used historically to describe any member of the Germanic peoples who, from the Sth century ce to the time of the Norman Conquest (1066), inhabited and ruled territories that are today part of England and Wales. According to St. Bede the Venerable, the Anglo-Saxons were the descendants of three different Germanic peoples-the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes. By Bede's account, those peoples originally migrated from northern Germany to the island of Britain in the 5th century at the invitation of Vortigern, a ruler of Britons, to help defend his kingdom against marauding invasions by the Picts and Scotti, who occupied what is now Scotland. Archaeological evidence suggests that the first migrants from the Germanic areas of mainland Europe included settlers from Frisia and antedated the Roman withdrawal from Britain about 410 ce. Their subsequent settlements in what is now England laid the foundation for the later kingdoms of Essex, Sussex, and Wessex (Saxons); East Anglia, Middle Anglia, Mercia, and Northumbria (Angles): and Kent (Jutes). Ethnically, the Anglo-Saxons actually represented an admixture of Germanic peoples with Britain's preexisting Celtic inhabitants and subsequent Viking and Danish invaders. The peoples of each of the various Anglo-Saxon kingdoms spoke distinctive dialects, which evolved over time and together became known as Old English. Within that variety of dialects, an exceptionally rich vernacular literature emerged. Examples include the masterful epic poem Beowulf and the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, a collection of manuscripts that cover events in the early history of England. The term Anglo-Saxon seems to have been first used by Continental writers in the late 8th century to distinguish the Saxons of Britain from those of the European continent, whom Bede the Venerable had called Antiqui Saxones ("Old Saxons"). The name formed part of rex Angul-Saxonum ("king of the Anglo-Saxons"), which was sometimes used by King Alfred of title, Wessex (reigned 871-99) and some of his successors. By the time of the Norman Conquest, the kingdom that had developed from the realm of the Anglo-Saxon peoples had become known as England, and Anglo-Saxon as a collective term for the region's people was eventually supplanted by "English." For some time thereafter, Anglo-Saxon persisted as an informal synonym for English, but that use diminished emigrants from Asia, Africa, the Caribbean, and other areas beyond northern Europe further reshaped Britain's ethnic composition.

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