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found two distinct clusters, which we have categorized as purchase brands and usage brands: Purchase brands focus on creating demand to buy the product, while usage brands focus on creating demand for the use of the product.Purchase brands emphasize promotion; usage brands emphasize advocacy.Vail Resorts remade their entire marketing strategy with a program called EpicMix.Most other ski resorts focus on promoting their snow-making abilities and giving discounts on lift tickets.By contrast, Sephora and Ulta provide instruction, community, and services to help people feel confident in being able to use the makeup themselves when they get home.

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found two distinct clusters, which we have categorized as purchase brands and usage brands: Purchase brands focus on creating demand to buy the product, while usage brands focus on creating demand for the use of the product. Consider the makeup department of a department store. The whole focus is getting you to buy the product with samples and professional makeovers. By contrast, Sephora and Ulta provide instruction, community, and services to help people feel confident in being able to use the makeup themselves when they get home. Purchase brands emphasize promotion; usage brands emphasize advocacy. Vail Resorts remade their entire marketing strategy with a program called EpicMix. It's a social network for skiers that uses gamification, performance data, and photos as social currencies that skiers want to share with their friends. Most other ski resorts focus on promoting their snow-making abilities and giving discounts on lift tickets. Purchase brands worry about what they say to customers; usage brands worry about

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