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Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Emily who loved playing in the sandbox with her friends at recess.Emily tearfully told him about the bullying and how much it was affecting her.The teacher spoke to the kids who were bullying Emily and explained how their behavior was harmful and unacceptable.She was always happy and carefree, until one day, a group of older kids began to tease her.Max was shocked and angry and immediately went to their teacher to report the bullying.

Original text

Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Emily who loved playing in the sandbox with her friends at recess. She was always happy and carefree, until one day, a group of older kids began to tease her. They would call her names and take her toys away. Emily tried to ignore them at first, but eventually, she started to feel lonely and helpless.

One day, Emily's best friend, Max, noticed how upset she was and asked what was wrong. Emily tearfully told him about the bullying and how much it was affecting her. Max was shocked and angry and immediately went to their teacher to report the bullying. The teacher spoke to the kids who were bullying Emily and explained how their behavior was harmful and unacceptable.

The bullying stopped, and Emily felt a sense of relief. She was grateful for Max's support and for having an adult who cared enough to take action. From then on, Emily learned that it was important to speak up and seek help when necessary.

The End.

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