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Meeting a New Person

Hello.I can answer a lot of questions, but I am far from being an expert speaker.I am not the best speaker myself, but I study a lot so that I do well on all of our tests in class at least.The teacher gave us that story in English to translate.I have translated most of it, and with a little studying, I am sure that we can figure out the rest together.You are the new student in our English language class, right?We all really love it when new members join our class.Yes, I am a new member of that class.It is my first time taking an English language class, so I am a little worried that I will not do well.You seem to speak English well enough already.Sure.

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Meeting a New Person

Hello. You are the new student in our English language class, right? We all really love it when new members join our class. Yes, I am a new member of that class. It is my first time taking an English language class, so I am a little worried that I will not do well. You seem to speak English well enough already. I am surprised that this is your first class. My husband speaks English very well and there were a number of people in my neighborhood where I grew up that spoke the language. I can answer a lot of questions, but I am far from being an expert speaker. I am not the best speaker myself, but I study a lot so that I do well on all of our tests in class at least. I can help you study if you would like, or if you need help with anything in our homework, I can show you what I did. Thanks so much, you seem to care a lot about this class, so you could probably help me a lot. Have you done your homework for tomorrow night’s class yet? The teacher gave us that story in English to translate. I tried to do it, but I had a lot of trouble with it. I feel like I might fall behind in class because I joined your class so late. You do not have to worry. I have translated most of it, and with a little studying, I am sure that we can figure out the rest together. Besides, if we get stuck on a word or two, we can always ask your husband for help. That is a great idea. Would you like to meet in the library tomorrow afternoon to work on the story? Sure. That way we can get it done before class. I will meet you there. See you then.

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